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It is a smart, effective and durable technology, capable of offering structural solutions with excellent cost-benefit ratios. The prestressing allows:

• Large spans, reduced number of pillars
• Bold architectural designs
• Recovery and reinforcement of structures
• Slender slabs than the equivalent in reinforced concrete: this can reduce both the total height of a building, as well as its weight and the loading of foundations.
• Floor height gain
• Reduced labor
• Material reduction work
• Higher execution speed
• Greater quality control

The advantages of technology are diverse and justify its use worldwide, for the execution of conventional and bold architectural projects, in small, medium and large works.

Fabro Haas is a pioneer in the North Coast of Santa Catarina, working in feasibility studies, projects and execution of prestressed works.



It is a concrete slab foundation applied directly to the soil, used in logistics warehouses, industries, in small and large buildings, allowing less slab thickness compared to reinforced concrete, greater execution speed, reduction until elimination expansion joints, in addition to structural advantages, saves about 30%.



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